mybatis foreach error

Parameter ‘__frch_item_0’ not found. Available parameters are [list]

Mybatis parameter in list

  1. 查看parameterType的类型是不是Java.util.List类型,如果是的话,看foreach 的collection属性是不是list,因为 传递一个 List 实例或者数组作为参数对象传给 MyBatis,MyBatis 会自动将它包装在一个 Map 中,用名称在作为键。List 实例将会以“list” 作为键,而数组实例将会以“array”作为键
    Is parameterType type Java.util.List. If it is, be caution foreach's collection must 'list'. Becase if put a List example or array to Mybatis, it will auto put it to a Map, use it's name as key, example as value. So Mybatis will put a special map to foreach
  2. foreach is any value in list?
  3. foreach is property spell error?
  4. Mybatis set field auto increase but Mysql not.
  5. Item’s property is not right

ps: use Map reduce Bean’s work, but question is if query result is null, then it’s corresponding property will lost(null)