Think in Develop

Split front and backgroud

Now adays the front develop framwork has a great progress,
more and more web develop use model/ scriptable develop framwork.

Backgroud no need forcus on how to deal page staff, much more backgroud.
More and more POST style backgroud, restructure to REST style.

Front emphasize in rendering

App’s rendering got a great progress, thanks to mobile equipment popular.
Front developer now have more power to deal business with customer,
no need to care how hard backgroud gay work.

Backgroud emphasize in usability

Backgroud’s structure is important, it’s stability/ usability affect
user feeling a lot.

Backgroud developer more forcus on data/ model/ resource/ performan…

Develop now

For front developer, MVC is relatively balance.
For backgroud developer, V is steal useable in some old style develop
project, use script style backgroud language PHP JSP ASP

But for robust modern business application, B/G have been splitted